If you have special knowledge or opinions and can write in a way our readers would appreciate, then we would be delighted to have you write a post from time to time. We encourage creativity and are not interested in same-old/same-old articles (that often start with “7 tips for …”).
These are the SMM blogs if any are of interest to you.
- BPWrap – PageRank 3 – Internet Marketing and Business from a global perspective
- The Other Bloke’s Blog – PageRank 3 – Business and Internet Marketing from a BC, Canada perspective
- Senior Health Memos – PageRank 2 – Information and News for seniors on aging, health and wellness
- Senior Jobs Memos – PageRank 3 – Working seniors and second careers
- SMMbc blog – PageRank 3 – Business strategy, Internet Marketing and Getting Results
To maintain quality we set the bar high so please realize that not all articles submitted are accepted for publication. We do rate each submission on a 5 point scale and only publish the 5 pointers. Even quite good submissions may not get published. We do not have the time to correct multiple typos or grammatical mistakes so please realize that this may also be a reason for not publishing what you submit.
We are extremely pleased with the good number of contributors who wish to work with us. Indeed we receive more quality blog posts than we can publish. To be able to publish the ‘cream of the crop’, we use what we call the Perfect Marriage approach to select the top quality guest blog posts.
We are most happy to work directly with you but if you are serious about contributing then a more convenient way for you and for us is to use the services of My Blog Guest. On that website you have access to other blogs as well and can develop your reputation and maximize your blogging opportunities. There is good support through the social media and quality is assured by a lively moderating team as you can see via the image on the right.
The audience is continually growing and includes many knowledgeable business and marketing people in the online world. All blog posts are optimized for best search engine visibility and are promoted through social media networks. Your post appearing here could bring you added online visibility and other worthwhile contacts. To help you get an understanding of what is involved, we have some suggested guidelines.
Contributor Guidance For The SMM Blogs
None of these rules are absolute. They may be amended from time to time. If any create problems for you, please discuss with us.
- Normally we will publish only one post from each author at a time and not more frequently than once every three weeks. Please send only a single draft post and include in the covering message the draft name for the post and the blog you would wish to have it published on.
- Material should be preferably provided in HTML format with appropriate headings, lists, etc. although this is not a requirement.
- The acceptance of a contributor post is entirely at the discretion of SMM. Minor edits or typo corrections will be done without referring to the author. If more significant editing is required, then the author will be contacted prior to any such editing..
- Changes may be made to the Title and minor changes to the text to give improved search engine visibility without materially changing the sense of what is written.
- Content should be without grammatical and spelling errors and should be laid out in an attractive format for the reader. Normally a post will be between 500 and 1000 words.
- The content should be original and not be copied elsewhere on the Internet and should not be offensive. It also should not be unduly self-promotional.
- Images are useful and should be provided with adequate resolution, not exceeding 520 pixels in width and not exceeding 55 kb in file size. Images should be free to be published with a link for the source if needed, e.g. Flickr.
- A short introduction to the author will precede the blog post and a longer paragraph with a link to an author profile page will be added at the end of the post. We only publish articles where there is a named author. An article with a single link in the author’s bio to the author’s profile or his or her own website is allowed. Please note that we are following the Google Webmaster Tools guidelines and therefore such a link has the nofollow tag assigned to it. Any links within the article should be to websites unrelated to the author. Links to commercial companies or keyword text links to your associated websites cannot be accepted in contributor posts but can appear in articles by paying advertising fees.
Promoting through Social Media
If you do write for us, the only thing we ask of you is to support your articles by sharing them through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Each post has buttons at the foot which require only a click to share the post.

If you also have your own blog, you might consider working through ViralContentBuzz.com, which is a free social media promotion platform. This makes it very easy to share your own work and your posts here to a wider audience. Let us know whether this is a service you use so that we can coordinate efforts.
How To Get Started
If this is something that could interest you, why not and introduce yourself and tell us what you would like to write about. We look forward to hearing from you.