Any company that has an IT help desk needs to have one that is both quick and gets the job done. Providing anything else to a customer will drive them elsewhere. But what are the ways that a customer support staff can be effective? There are some tried and true methods that can be followed to ensure success. Here are just a few of the ways that your New Jersey help desk support can do so much better than is offered by the competition.
Identify what level of problem is occurring
Firstly, the level of the problem needs to be identified. If the problem can be solved by directing the customer to a simple how-to video tutorial, that is fine. But if the problem requires more work than that, it is best to quickly identify the level of the problem and send it to the correct support tier for correction. There is no sense in having level 1 tackle the problem, if it is in fact a level 2 or higher issue. This just wastes everyone’s time.
Listen to what the customer is telling you
Make sure to listen to the customer. The phrases a customer uses will allow you to quickly ascertain the technical skill level of the customer on the phone. This way you are not talking below them or above them. Nothing will frustrate a customer more than over-simplifying a solution or providing a solution that is far too technical for them to comprehend.
Keep good records of what has been done
Every interaction with the customer should include detailed notes that are specific to that particular conversation. This way, if callbacks are necessary, or if a similar or related problem occurs in the future, the customer service agent will be able to get a brief history of what has occurred in the past. This saves not only on time but also on having to ask the customer questions that they may previously have already answered.
KISS (Keep it simple, Silly)
Remember the KISS method. “Keep It Simple, Silly” should be the approach taken to all involved in solving the problem. While keeping this in mind, also keep in mind that simple is relative, so always talk to the customer at the appropriate technical level, which is right for them.
By following these simple tips, your IT support staff will be successful and the customer will have their problems solved and hang up happy.