Some people argue that social media, automated emailing tools, and spam filters have led to the death of email as a marketing channel. Truth be told: that’s not really the case. Email marketing is stronger than ever. To make your campaign stand out, you need to adhere to efficient email marketing practices. The right approach will trigger a significant increase in your return on investment (ROI).
Email marketing – then & now
A lot of things have changed in the way people do emailing campaigns. Generic subject lines that sound something like “You’re the winner of $1 million. Click here to claim” no longer hook people into visiting a website. In fact, such email messages are diverted to the spam folder and almost never get seen.
With the rise of social media channels and powerful automated tools, the way we do email marketing has been transformed. The IoT (Internet of things) is a fundamental part of the mix. Today’s average consumer no longer uses a desktop computer to read emails; smartphones and tablets make things a lot easier. To make your emails visible from a tiny smart device, there are a few aspects to consider.
- Responsive design and catchy content (mobile-friendly, easy to read, and concise)
- Visuals (GIFs, images, infographics) within emails
- Content email structure (powerful headlines, paragraphs, attention-grabbing sub headlines)
These three factors we mentioned above are vital for your email marketing campaign to render results. Why do you need all of them? Because the purpose of your email is not just to get opened; you want prospects and customers to read your content, and take action.
How email interactivity helps increase the effectiveness of your CTAs
Recent breakthroughs in app development and website design have led to the birth of the modern-day landing page. We’re talking about a separate page on your website that compels prospects to sign up for your newsletter, e-book, weekly guide, etc. For people to give you their email address, you have to offer them something in return. Sometimes, quality content is all they want to see when they land on your landing page; but they also want to be hooked by design and be enticed by your call-to-action.
For real chances at increasing CTA effectiveness, personalize your emails!
Why should you customize your emails? First, not all subscribers are part of the same category group; some might be interested in getting an e-book, whereas others just want to get their hands on a freebie. Second, customization helps you target your audience. You will be able to assess who likes what.
Whether you’re using automated tools to send emails to prospects, or you still adhere to old-fashioned techniques, it’s very important that you have a plan in mind. Add a personal touch to your emails by appealing to people’s senses. Spell their name, address them directly, and provide content that goes beyond praising how amazing your new product is. It should spell out how their needs will be met with your product.
There’s been an increase in automated emailing tools in the past 5 years. Not all of them suit your marketing needs. Before making a pick, test the waters to assess features available. Regardless of your final decision, spend time segmenting your email list. This will help you understand what people want and need from you.
Core triggers when sending emails: the subject line and the call-to-action
Email marketing done right begins with crafting killer subject lines. Think carefully and make sure your subject line fits properly on mobile devices too, not just on desktop computers. Avoid using phrases that are pushy, like “Click here now”, “Click to make $1 million”, etc. Your emails will be marked as spam instantly.
After writing a beautiful email, make sure your call-to-action is purposeful. It should entice your audience and encourage them to take some sort of action, but without sounding forced. The goal is to increase awareness and make prospects want to do something after reading your text.
It can be tough to craft a competent email marketing strategy for your business. The good news is email is now more powerful than ever in the online environment. Together with social media, you have the highest chances of gathering valuable information on prospects and customers. By this means, you can settle on the best digital marketing approach that matches your demands and expectations.
Author Bio: Peter Smith is a regular contributor on many online sites and mainly focuses on business related topics. He also recommends if you are looking for high-quality direct mail marketing services.